Areas of Practice

Labour Relations


Our team knows the difficulties associated with modern employment. This is particularly true for small and medium sized businesses. The complicated nature of today’s employment and safety legislation can leave even the most attentive employer in a potentially precarious labour situation that could cost them financially or threaten to take away everything they have worked for, That’s where we come in, to protect what you’ve worked so hard for.

Human Resources


HR can often be overlooked in the day to day of keeping a business moving forward. We can help you create the proper policies and procedures to ensure you are diligent when you hire, promote, demote, suspend, or terminate the employment of your employees.

Health & Safety


A business is gambling if it does not correctly follow H&S procedures. The last thing an employer wants is to be responsible for the injury or death of an employee, Failure to comply can cause fines and work disruptions at best, but it can also cost $100,000’s in fines or even result in jail time. Let us help you meet your requirements and give you the tools to train your staff and keep everyone safe.

Employee Associations


Our Team has many years of experience when it comes to representing unionized members. The bargaining and maintaining of proper and fair contracts, the understanding of relevant labour legislation, and knowing how to resolve complex workplace issues is something we specialize in. If you and your fellow employees would like to start your own association or currently already have one set up, let us help give your group a professional edge.

Liability & Risk


Regardless of the business you are in, we are here to help reduce your overall liability and risk when it comes to employment relationships. Let us help you create a business that can focus on its business rather than the many other distractions associated with finding and keeping the right people on your team.